Geras 5 Co Op Continue Solo

The Operation 5 Hollow Storm key art which features Dizzy Wallin holding a gnasher and a Locust Skorge screaming behind him

In Operation 4, we made some major changes to ranked in Gears 5. With the arrival of Operation 5, we're rolling out a few more adjustments to PvP.

Quitters suck. You hate them and so do we. We're very excited to introduce our Community Service program as replacement to the current quit penalties.

Beginning in Operation 5, any player that leaves a Ranked match early will be required to complete (and perform in) a number of Quickplay Versus matches before they're able to compete in Ranked matches again. The more times a player quits a match, the more Quickplay games they'll need to complete before they're able to play Ranked again. Furthermore, to ensure players actively compete in these Quickplay matches they'll need to achieve a minimum amount of points and finish the match for it to count towards their Community Service. We feel this is a much clearer and effective solution to deal with quitters and believe it will discourage negative behavior while still allowing people to play Gears 5.

For the player's left behind, it can be a frustrating experience. For those who stay and continue to fight through to the end, we will grant additional Gears Points (GP) to reward those playing shorthanded. For each player that quits out of a 4v4-team-based mode the remaining players will receive 200 points per player for a maximum of 600 GP, while 2v2 players will be granted 300 GP if their teammate quits early. Note: that these points will only be awarded to players on the losing team.

The Gear Points logo with Carmine about to stomp a Locust in the head

We've heard your feedback about Gears Points and we're happy to rollout scoring changes that reward the player's that truly stand out on the battlefield.

The following bonuses will now be awarded for all Ranked team-based matches (bonuses won't impact Ranked FFA):

  • Top Player Bonus: The top player on both teams will receive a 250 GP bonus at the end of each match.
  • Match Win Bonus: All players on the winning team will now be awarded 500 GP.
  • Round Win Bonus: For each round a player wins in a best of three game type they will be awarded an additional 500 points per round win. For each round a player wins in a best of 13 game type (e.g. 2v2) they will be awarded an additional 150 points per round win.
  • Solo Player Bonus: Players that solo queue will be awarded a bonus of 15% of the GP they earned in the match regardless of the match result.

Throughout Operation 4, we looked at ways to improve the quality of gameplay and matchmaking. We've tested 4v4 across KOTH and TDM and feel that it creates more opportunities for players to clutch-up and demonstrate individual skill while still preserving the importance of teamwork. We also looked at which playlists were the most popular and those that aren't.  As such, here are the Operation 5 Versus playlists:

  • TDM (4v4) max of 2
  • KOTH (4V4) full stack
  • 2v2
  • FFA
  • Guardian
  • TDM
  • KOTH
  • Arcade
  • Co-op vs AI

We know some of you may not see your favorite modes but they are still available in custom lobbies and we'll continue to feature these modes as special events.

The goal of the Developer's Playlist is to help us test out tuning and balance mechanics resulting in diverse playstyles, balanced gameplay and providing players the feeling of individuality.

With the beginning of Operation 5, we want you to get your hands on some new versus tuning. Beginning in Week 1 of Operation 5, we're adding this tuning to our Versus Event – Classic Blitz. Then, in Week 2, we'll move the tuning over to the regular Developer's Playlist for you to get extensive hands-on with these changes.

In this iteration, we want to push for a more tactical gears experience where every action should have a give and take with a certain level of risk involved. The core versus theme is focused on unique close quarters engagements with rifle play mostly playing a supportive role.

Let's get into the details.

The goal is to add "weight" to the characters, where players can feel each change of direction.

  • Reduced the base player acceleration by 17%
  • Cover Slip (Up A) modifier decreased from 1.66x -> 1.6x
  • Reverted the roadie run speed down to 480 from 500
  • Removed the speed boost gained by performing cover actions
  • New: Sliding will now take into consideration acceleration, previous as soon as the player entered a slide, they would immediately reach the max speed of 600uu/s. Now we have set the initial speed of the slide to 300uu/s with an acceleration rate of 2000uu/s2. This means the character will feel like they have more weight while maintaining the fluidity of movement.

As we've reduced the RNG tied to the gnasher and cover actions, we saw an increase in players shooting immediately out of slides especially "Air Back A's" for example. We're exploring ways to create more punishable windows for certain actions while still pushing us closer to that give and take gameplay.

  • Added a slight delay to firing after cancelling a slide: 0s -> 0.15s
  • Increased the delay from firing when aiming out of cover from 0.1s -> 0.2s
  • Weapon swap speed changed from 0.7s -> 0.9s with primary weapons and 0.5s -> 0.65s with pistols, slightly faster than previous titles.

The rifle/secondary play should suit the situation, stronger in team fire and when catching people by surprise but not suppressing player's movement from A-B as a single user. Some secondary rifles should feel like upgrades to the loadout weapons but not break away from this theme.

  • Reduced the rate of fire from 110rpm -> 90rpm (rounds per minute)
  • Removed the semi auto shot delay.
  • Bullet magnetism reduced by 50% at all ranges
  • Bullet Magnetism reduced by 50% at all ranges
  • Weapon Damage decreased from 55 -> 40 (per bullet)
  • Stopping Power slightly decreased at short, medium and long ranges
  • Weapon damage decreased from 100 -> 75
  • Weapon rate of fire decreased from 400rpm -> 360rpm
  • Headshot multiplier reduced from 1.35x -> 1.2x
  • Weapon damage reduced from 50 -> 45

Power weapons should also suit the situation while still feeling significant and approachable. We feel bringing some weapons (Overkill and Claw) into a more suitable power level for versus might allow us to showcase them on more maps if we reach that goal.

We've also altered the Longshot based on previous feedback and pushed the Torque Bow charge time back to its classic feel.

  • Stick charge time increased from 1.35 -> 1.7
  • Reverted the change to firing from the Hip
  • ADSing while standing still will cause the user to be 100% accurate
  • Weapon Damage decreased from 145 -> 80
  • Weapon Rate of Fire increased from 360rpm -> 450rpm
  • Active Rate of Fire decreased from 1.25x -> 1.11x
  • Weapon Mag Size increased from 60 -> 100
  • Removed the 2nd magazine on pickup
  • Accuracy decay rate reduced from 5.0 -> 3.0
  • Removed the weapon jam feature
  • Reduced the mag size from 4 -> 3
  • Greatly decreased bullet magnetism for both Hipfire and ADS at all ranges

Note: There will be a known UI issue with the ammo when testing this tuning.

Make sure to stop by our Developer Stream today where Jonathan Taylor, Lead PvP Designer, and James McAlary, PvP Designer, will go over these changes.



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